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Oct 24, 2019

Lesson  1/1

Hello Margarita!

Have you heard that Britain's red phone boxes are being repurposed?

and if we have time, we can speak about Britain more generally.

Oct 9, 2019

Lesson 4/4

Hi Margarita, (I suggest you paste the transcript of these 2 ted talks into to have a personalized vocabulary list)

Today, two views of emotion detection technology, pro and con:

Rana el Kaliouby, computer scientist

Oct 2, 2019

Lesson 3/4

Hi Margarita,

Again,today, we'll talk about the  creep of facial recognition technology. 

Hidden cameras are another problem.

There's an app which can place anyone's photo in famous movie scenes or create fake news!

San Francisco refuses to use facial tech

Facial expressions are not universal

The pseudoscience of physiognomy

Sept 25, 2019

Lesson 2/4

Hi Margarita,

Can we halt the menacing creep of facial recognition technology? (And emotion detection technology??)

Hidden cameras are another problem.

There's an app which can place anyone's photo in famous movie scenes or create fake news!

Sept 4, 2019

Lesson 1/4

Hello Margarita!

This time we can try a talk from a channel called Bright Insight.

This talk is about the Sahara desert.

Discussion questions coming soon

Aug 28, 2019

Lesson 1/1

Hello Margarita!

Today we'll hear from a very unusual curator who is open to the idea of "giving it back" on occasion.

Egypt and Greece are calling for the return of their ancient artifacts. 

1. Colwell calls ancient objects magical and able to take us beyond our imaginations.  What do ancient objects mean to you?

2. He tells us about countries and nations which demand the return of their ancient artifacts.  Tell about any such cases you have heard about.

3. Some objects are considered sacred to some peoples such as the War Gods of the Zunis.  Can you give examples of other sacred objects in the world and how it would be to take them away?

4. Colwells asks, "What should a curator do?"  What do you think they should do?

5. He also asks, "Are museums good?"  What's your answer?

6. Do you know the "dark history" of museums that Colwell refers to?

7. Did you know that Native Americans have been especially hurt by having the skeletons of their ancestors taken away?  How do you feel about this?

8.Colwell wants to plant seeds of hope and reconciliation between museums and those wronged by them.  How did he do it?

9. What role can virtual museums and collections like Google Arts and Culture play in resolving these disputes?

10. What role can technology play in creating a compromise?

Aug 14, 2019

Lesson 1/1

Hi Margarita,


This time we're discussing a ted talk about sleep by brain scientist Matt Walker.

1. Had you ever heard that we need sleep after learning to remember the new memories and not forget them? 

2. Walker tells us that we also need sleep before learning to actually prepare our brains to take in new information.

3. In one study, people who stayed awake all night had a 40-percent deficit in the ability of the brain to make new memories without sleep. 

Is this surprising to you?


4. Walker tells us the hippocampus almost like the informational inbox of your brain.  With a full night of sleep, there is lots of healthy learning-related activity, but in those people who were sleep-deprived, we actually couldn't find any significant signal whatsoever. So it's almost as though sleep deprivation had shut down the hippocampus.  All students should be informed of this don't you think?

5. Walker explains that there are big, powerful brainwaves that happen during the very deepest stages of sleep that shifti memories from a short-term vulnerable reservoir to a more permanent long-term storage site within the brain.  What do you know about this deep sleep?

6. We can't get this deep sleep by using sleeping pills, they do not produce naturalistic sleep.  What do you think?


7. How does this direct current brain stimulation technology sound to you?. Walker inserts a small amount of voltage into the brain, so small you typically don't feel it, to amplify the size of those deep-sleep brainwaves, but in doing so, he can almost double the amount of memory benefit that you get from sleep. Could there be bad side effects?


8. He hopes to translate this same affordable, potentially portable piece of technology into older adults and those with dementia to restore some healthy quality of deep sleep, and in doing so, can we salvage aspects of their learning and memory function.  How does this sound to you?


9. Walker tell us about sleep loss and our cardiovascular system, because of daylight saving time. Each spring, when we lose one hour of sleep, we see a subsequent 24-percent increase in heart attacks that following day. In the autumn, when we gain an hour of sleep, we see a 21-percent reduction in heart attacks. And you see exactly the same profile for car crashes, road traffic accidents, even suicide rates. Isn't this shocking?

10. Our immune system has natural killer cells which identify dangerous, unwanted elements and eliminating them. Walker shows two pictures of immune system cells attacking a cancer cell.  In the second photo, the person has not slept enough so the immune system cells are few, a 70% decrease!  Your comment?

11. The link between a lack of sleep and cancer is now so strong that the World Health Organization has classified any form of nighttime shift work as a probable carcinogen, because of a disruption of your sleep-wake rhythms.  What do you think about that?

12. Walker tells us a simple truth: the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Short sleep predicts all-cause mortality. Your comment?

For more discussion about sleep in a general way, we can use this website:

Aug 7, 2019

Lesson 1/1

Hello Margarita!

This time we'll and talk about truffles, once a rare delicacy!

and from Breaking News English an article about luxury foods!

July 31, 2019

Lesson 2/2

Hi Margarita!

This lesson we'll read and discuss the fact that the highest paid tech workers in Silicon Valley cannot afford to buy a house or apartment.

July 10, 2019

Lesson 1/2

Hi Margarita!

Have you heard about the billionaire who paid off the student loans of the entire graduating class at his son's college?

The same story appeared in Breaking News Englsh.


Cartoons about it.

July 3, 2019

Lesson 2/2

Hello Margarita!

Our Guardian article today asks if we could live on a remote island.

and in Breaking News English, one remote island offers a dream job.

June 26, 2019

Lesson 1/2

Hello Margarita,

Are the hyper-specialist shops of Berlin the future of retail?



Breaking News English tells us about online shopping as a threat to brick-and-mortar stores.

June 20, 2019

Lesson 2/2

Jazz Singer

Hello Margarita,

Today we'll read and discuss a couple travelling the world to collect love songs!

From Breaking News English, a study concludes we need more pop songs about love and peace.

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