Advent Calendar

Dec 9, 2023
Lesson 50/54 60min
Hello Misha!
Today, we'll finish this interactive lesson on ESL Fast.
#2 Sweaters From Grandma
Discussion Questions
Nov 25, 2023
Lesson 49/54 60min
Hello Misha!
Today, another interactive lesson on ESL Fast.
#2 Sweaters From Grandma
Discussion Questions
Nov 19, 2023
Lesson 48/54 60min
Hi Misha!
We'll work in our Grammar book today.
Chapter 5 Present Continuous
Hi Misha:
Homework: Cake and Math questions
ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 21: dictation
Graduation from High School
Discussion Questions:
Nov 11, 2023
Lesson 47/54 60min
Nov 3, 2023
Lesson 46/54 60min
Hi Misha:
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 21:
Graduation from High School
Discussion Questions:
Oct 20, 2023
Lesson 45/54 60min
Hi Sasha:
Homework: Cake questions
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 20: Math Test
Discussion Questions:
Oct 20, 2023
Lesson 44/54 60min
Hi Misha!
Homework in Grammar book page 7 (pdf 14)
Today: Reading 19: Tommy has a bake sale
Vocabulary.com https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/8377612
Discussion Questions:
Oct 13, 2023
Lesson 43/54 60min
Hi Misha
Homework was: Questions about Beaches
Today: we'll finish Reading 18
Lying on the Beach
Beach Discussion
Oct 6, 2023
Lesson 42/54 60min
Hi Misha
Homework was: present simple pdf
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 18
Lying on the Beach
Beach Discussion
Oct 4, 2023
Lesson 41/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework: Discussion Questions
1) What’s your favourite sport?
(2) Do you prefer watching sports at the stadium, at home on TV, or in a bar on a giant screen?
(3) Would you like to play sport for a living?
(4) How many hours of sport a week should children do at school?
(5) Is football (soccer) THE world sport?
(6) What is your country’s national sport? Do you like it?
(7) What are blood sports and extreme sports? Do you like them?
(8) Which sport has the best, fitted and most talented athletes?
(9) Howard Cosell said: "Sports is the toy department of human life." Do you agree?
(10) John Wooden said: "Sports do not build character. They reveal it." Do you agree?
We're back in our Grammar book.
We'll work on Unit 2 Present Simple
Sept 29, 2023
Lesson 40/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Today we'll finish our lesson from last time.
Homework Copy Vocabulary into your notebook
Answer 10 Discussion questions in complete sentences
(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘body’?
(2) Do you like your body?
(3) What are the most useful parts of our body?
(4) Are you proud of your body or ashamed of it?
(5) What kind of body language do you use?
(6) How would you describe the human body to an alien?
(7) Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
(8) Would you sell your body to science?
(9) How good is our body?
(10) Hermann M. Biggs said: "The human body is the only machine for which there are no spare parts." Is this true? Should there be lots of spare parts?
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 17 Learning to Rollerskate
Discusson Sport:
Sept 27, 2023
Lesson 39/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework Copy Vocabulary into your notebook
Answer 10 Discussion question in complete sentences
(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘body’?
(2) Do you like your body?
(3) What are the most useful parts of our body?
(4) Are you proud of your body or ashamed of it?
(5) What kind of body language do you use?
(6) How would you describe the human body to an alien?
(7) Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
(8) Would you sell your body to science?
(9) How good is our body?
(10) Hermann M. Biggs said: "The human body is the only machine for which there are no spare parts." Is this true? Should there be lots of spare parts?
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 17 Learning to Rollerskate
Discusson Sport:
Sept 22, 2023
Lesson 38/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework was: choose 10 questions to answer in complete sentences.
25 ESL Conversation questions about marathons
Today we'll begin our study in the grammar book.
Unit 1 is the Present Simple.
Sept 27, 2023
Lesson 37/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework: Vocabulary notebook: https://www.eslfast.com/begin2/w2/w2015.htm
and write answers for 10 Discussions questions:
Have you ever had a dog or cat for a pet?
Which do you like best, dogs or cats?
What are some good names for dogs or cats?
Why would you keep a dog instead of a cat?
What can cats do that dogs can't?
Can you think of some reason why people don't keep dogs or cats?
What is a breed?
How many breeds of dogs can you name?
How many breeds of cats can you name?
What does AKC stand for?
What is a standard?
Which dog breed do you think is the most intelligent and which the dumbest?
What is the role of an Alpha Dog in a pack?
How do you build a dog house?
Can you name some countries that eat dogs or cats?
Sept 15, 2023
Lesson 36/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework: from last time and these 10 questions
(1) Do you like dogs?
(2) Are dogs really "a man’s best friend"?
(3) What kinds of dogs do you like and dislike?
(4) Do you think dogs are the best pets?
(5) Do you think dogs have a good life?
(6) Are you ever afraid of dogs?
(7) What do you think of dogs that bark non-stop?
(8) Do you think people spend too much money on dogs?
(9) In what ways are dogs helpful to humans?
(10) Are there many abandoned dogs in your town?
ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 14 Lost Dog
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/677370346/esl-fast-level-2-reading-14-lost-dog-flash-cards/
Video Quiz: Pip the Dog
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/d/dogs.html
Sept 13, 2023
Lesson 35/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework: Copy vocabulary words into your notebook https://www.eslfast.com/begin2/w2/w2014.htm
Vocabulary: 14. Lost Dog
Also answer in complete sentences the first 10 Discussion questions about chocolate
ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 14 Lost Dog
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/677370346/esl-fast-level-2-reading-14-lost-dog-flash-cards/
Video Quiz: Pip the Dog
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/d/dogs.html
Sept 8, 2023
Lesson 34/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework: Write the words of the Quizlet into your Vocabulary notebook. Write complete answers to the first 10 Discussion questions.
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 13 Her Love of Food
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/674556212/esl-fast-level-2-reading-13-her-love-of-food-flash-cards/
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/d/diet.html
Sept 6, 2023
Lesson 33/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework Exercise 2 of Past Perfect in your Vocabulary notebook https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/past-perfect-exercise-2.html
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 13 Her Love of Food
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/674556212/esl-fast-level-2-reading-13-her-love-of-food-flash-cards/
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/d/diet.html
present Misha listens to music every day.
present continuous Misha is listening now.
past Misha listened to the radio yesterday.
past continuous Misha was listening to music in the car.
future Misha will listen tomorrow.
present perfect Misha has listened to me for one hour.
past perfect Misha had listened to rap music before.
future perfect Misha will have listened for 2 hours by 10:00.
Sept 6, 2023
Lesson 33/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework Exercise 2 of Past Perfect in your Vocabulary notebook https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/past-perfect-exercise-2.html
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 13 Her Love of Food
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/674556212/esl-fast-level-2-reading-13-her-love-of-food-flash-cards/
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/d/diet.html
Sept 1, 2023
Lesson 32/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Today we'll use our Grammar book to review the Past Perfect page 40.
Perfect English Grammar
Aug 30, 2023
Lesson 31/54 60min
Hi Misha,
Today: We reviewed the Present Perfect
How to form it and when to use it.
Aug 28, 2023
Lesson 29/54 60min
Hello Misha,
Today we'll continue with some practice tests to help you prepare for your grammar test at school.
We'll work on more small grammar tests from our Family and
Friends book. I have put them on your Skypechat box.
And we'll use the website called Perfect English Grammar. It is ideal for practice because you can click on each question to see the answer. This will allow you to check your work as you practice.
Aug 27, 2023
Lesson 26/54 60min
Hello Misha,
Today we will work on some practice tests to help you prepare for your
grammar test at school.
First, we will work on some small grammar tests from our Family and
Friends book. I have put them on your Skypechat box.
We can also use a website called Perfect English Grammar. It is ideal for practice because you can click on each question to see the answer. This will allow you to check your work as you practice.
Aug 25, 2023
Lesson 25/54 60min
Hello Misha,
Homework: Discussion questions about TV
Copy these vocabulary words into your notebook https://www.eslfast.com/begin2/w2/w2012.htm
Vocabulary: 12. Exercising https://www.eslfast.com
Do the dictation about TV and send me the screenshots of your scores https://www.eslfast.com/begin2/dict/b2d011.htm
Dictation: Sam Loves Watching Television
Today: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 12 Exercising
Discussion: https://esldiscussions.com/e/exercise.html
Aug 23, 2023
Lesson 24/54 60min
Hello Misha,
Homework: Add vocabulary words from Quizlet to your Vocabulary notebook Quizlet
Answer 10 questions about television https://esldiscussions.com/t/television.html
Watch this video and prepare to speak about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dhW9I2xbFg
We'll finish ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 12 Sam Loves Watching Television
Aug 18, 2023
Lesson 23/54 60min
Hello Misha,
(1) Who is your favorite author?
(2) What do you think of Google’s idea to put all the world’s books on the Internet, accessible for free?
(3) Why doesn’t everybody enjoy reading?
(4) Do you prefer to keep the books you read?
(5) What’s the most number of times you have read the same book?
(6) Which is better, the book or the movie?
(7) Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
(8) Do you spend a long time browsing in bookshops?
(9) Do you ever read the last page before you start reading a book?
(10) How often do you want the story in a book to never end?
Then: ESL Fast Level 2 Reading 11 Sam Loves Watching Television