Misha's Current Homework
What is Ethanol
Ethanol is a substitute for fossil fuels. many people say that it is but better than fossil fuels. ethanol is
more powerful and pollutes nature less. also this is produced from cereals so it will be cheaper than
Experts say that ethanol production can affect the U.S. economy, but many people believe that this is
not the case, Because corn is plentiful in the United States
in conclusion, I want to say that ethanol is probably better than gasoline because there are more
advantages than disadvantages.
Ethanol as a Fuel
Ethanol is substitute for fossil fuels which is made from corn. Why are many people considering ethanol as a replacement for gasoline? Many people are considering ethanol as a replacement for gasoline because the many benefits of ethanol compared to fossil fuels. In the face of increasing oil prices and the many concerns about the pollution of the environment, ethanol appears to be a logical choice. Ethanol is a good replacement for fossil fuels both economically and environmentally.
There are those who think that making ethanol is not cheap. The costs to plant and harvest the corn as well as producing the ethanol and distributing it, are considerable. However, consumers can save money in the long run because there is more energy is produced by ethanol, and the price at the pump is less than fossil fuels. Today the average price for a gallon of ethanol in the U.S. is $1.48, while the average gasoline price per gallon is $2.56. Current 10% of all gasoline is ethanol, and if more consumers used an ethanol blend of fuel, the impact on the economy significant.
The projected price of corn will be stabilized with increased ethanol production once farmers, in turn, also increase the amount of corn planted. The benefits are clear in the American will require less foreign oil and farmers will be selling more corn. The environment will benefit as well, since ethanol produces much less pollution compared to fuel fuels and is a sustainable fuel.
In closing, there are many reasons why ethanol is a better choice compared to fossil fuels. Considering all the benefits stated earlier about the price of ethanol, the reduced reliance on foreign oil, and the boost to the American economy, it is also a sustainable fuel which respects the environment and is a wise choice for the future.
Ethanol as a Fuel
Ask: What is ethanol and how is it made?
Ethanol is substitute for fossil which is made from corn.
Why are many people considering ethanol as a replacement for gasoline?
Many people are considering ethanol as a replacement for gasoline because the many benefits of ethanol compared to fossil fuels. In the face of increasing oil prices and the many concerns about the pollution of the environment, ethanol appears to be a logical choice.
Thesis: Ethanol is a good replacement for fossil fuels both economically and environmentally.
Paragraph 1
Why do some people think that making ethanol is not cheap?
How can using ethanol save money for consumer in the long run?
Compare: the costs of ethanol vs. gasoline
What is ethanol's impact on the economy?
Paragraph 2
How does using ethanol affect the price of corn?
In what ways can switching to corn ethanol benefit the American economy and farmers?
What are the environmental benefits of ethanol?
Considering the points made, why might ethanol be a better choice than gasoline for the future?
What are the overall benefits of using ethanol for cars, the economy, and the environment?
What is methanol, methanol is a substitute for gasoline some people say that methanol is better than regular
What is ethanol, and can it replace gasoline? Some people think that ethanol can be substitute for gasoline.
gasoline because it is stronger than it and methanol pollutes nature less
It is believed by many that ethanol could be a good replacement for gasoline since it has more
energy but pollutes the environment less.
also some people say that because of methanol,
corn prices in America will rise but in America corn in large quantities and scientists say that the
Also, some people say that if ethanol is used widely, corn prices in America will rise, however there are large quantities of corn crops in the US. so this is not supported by most economists.
production of methanol does not affect the economy America will not be affected
In closing, most scientists and economist do not agree that the use of ethanol will harm the economy or the environment.
Misha this is very much above your level.
The topic of discussion is ethanol and its relationship with fossil fuels.
Good Things About Ethanol
_______Saves energy by requiring less energy to produce compared to fossil fuels.
Ethanol for its production
______Helps boost the economy and supports farmers in the US by providing a new market for their crops.
It also
Ethanol is better for the planet as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels.
Not-So-Good Things About Ethanol
The production of ethanol requires a significant amount of land which could potentially lead to deforestation and food shortages.
There is a debate over whether the energy saved by using ethanol is significant enough to justify its production.
The cost of transitioning from oil to ethanol could be expensive for both consumers and the government.
Overall, ethanol has its pros and cons in comparison to fossil fuels. It may be beneficial for the environment and economy, but there are also concerns about its land usage and energy efficiency.
In conclusion, further research and policy discussions are needed to determine the best approach towards utilizing ethanol as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.
Good work Misha: Remember to choose key words, scan, skim and find the answer.
1.they tray to get money from renting ___ the school . Schools are using Airbnb-type services to raise
trying by out
2 uuummmm one second I will check . 700.000 money
British pounds.
3 Schools are using Airbnb-type services to raise money.
4 schools I think
The kindergarten and special education rooms.
5 omg I don’t remember and I kant find it . aaaaaa I find it it was 370 million
British pounds.
6 people started destroing schools
The schools put advertising signs and billboards outside and inside the school buildings.
7 You need to find the keys words and then scan and skim the text to find the answer.
The film and tv industry are always looking for interesting spaces.
8 It is 88,800 pounds.
9 books , notebooks , classes , teachers , and many more
Books much .
10 that schools nead too learn kids, not run the_r own business
The limitation is need to teach their .
Good Misha! Keep working on punctuation especially full stops.
1 I think it feels far away_
2 I’m not shore
No, sure.
3 yea one tam_ I din , a sow the moon
Yes, time d. I saw .
4 in muy city I see not many stars, ther’s more planes then stars
I my , don't see . There are than .
5 yes I have a sens of wonder
Yes, sense .
6 I don’t watch many tv but yes I like spase films
much , , space .
7 I remember the Twinkle, Twinkle Star poem.
8 I think astrology could be real.
9 I think most of them are sireus projects
serious .
10 yes I think so
Yes, .
Misha, Keep up your good work with spelling!
Watch captital letters at the beginning of sentences and full stops at the end.
1 I think it is the store named Kaleydoskop
Kaleidoscope Mall.
2 yes I do
Yes, .
3 yes I bought a case fore a phone
Yes, for .
4 I think it was good ____ to buy my computer
I got a deal when I bought .
5 I prefer shoping In physical stores but online shoping is comfortable
shopping in shopping .
6 food or clows
I ususally buy clothes.
7 yes I did
Yes, I have.
8 no I don’t. I like to buy clows but not trying them on
No, clothes try .
9 yes I do
I use credit cards more.
10 well maybe I don’t know
Well, .
Misha, This is getting better and better every time, but I know you can do more. Please try harder.
1 Yes I do enjoy meeting new people
, .
2 I think it is good to aske : w_at films do you like , or Wat music do you like?
What ? What
3 I think It is a bad idea to aske : way do you drass up so bad , or any other questions witch say
it ask Why dress badly? which
something bad about the person.
4 Only if you ar_ talking with a women.
It's not okay are a
5 It depends on witch person I’m introducing my self. But mostly I don’t.
the to, b
6 I don’t know , I don’t need it because I’m not nervous wan I meat new people.
. to know when meet
7 I don’t know , I didn’t count.
8 it could be in a park
I .
9 it is hard for me to answer .
10 it depends wat person it is .
It on who the
1 Rating, reading and counting.
A school should teach writing
2 how school could be dangerous?
H could bullying, drugs, alcohol,
3 I didn’t think about it
haven't thought .
4 partially yes. But I think school helps too go to the instetut.
P , b students to institute.
5 sometimes yes
S , , I do.
6 hard to say
That is .
7 wat means discipline
What does discipline mean?
8 wat school clubs . I think I never was in a school club.
What does 'school clubs' mean?
9 I think he meand that we will near forget the things which we learned in school
meant never .
No, he meant that you will forget what you learned but you will know how to learn.
10 from part yes
In part, yes, I agree with her.
1 Sand and the sea
I think of the .
2 Swim and build sand kasels
I like to castles.
3 I don’t know I think 50/50
, ,
4 I don’t know but I reale like beach holidays
, really .
5 wan is might
One danger sharks.
6 you men out of my friends
Y mean who from among is it best to go to the beach with?
7 I don’t know the name
s of any world beaches.
8 it depends in which country
I think on you are in.
9 2 months agow
I went to the beach .
10 Anything
Wow Misha! Such a great job! Keep going like this!!
1. He drives to work every day.
2. I don’t think you're right.
3. Do we have enough time?
4. I eat cereal in the morning.
5. Do they write e-mails every day?
6. You watch a lot of TV.
7. He doesn’t read the newspaper.
8. Does she dance often?
9. Where do I come on Mondays?
10. What do you do at the weekend?
11. You don’t drink much tea.
12. How does he travel to work?
13. They don’t like vegetables.
14. She catches a cold every winter.
15. Do I go out often?
16. Do you speak English?
17. We take the bus often.
18. She doesn’t walk to school.
19. What do you buy in the supermarket?
20. How does he carry such a heavy bag__
1) What’s your favourite sport?
(2) Do you prefer watching sports at the stadium, at home on TV, or in a bar on a giant screen?
(3) Would you like to play sport for a living?
(4) How many hours of sport a week should children do at school?
(5) Is football (soccer) THE world sport?
(6) What is your country’s national sport? Do you like it?
(7) What are blood sports and extreme sports? Do you like them?
(8) Which sport has the best, fitted and most talented athletes?
(9) Howard Cosell said: "Sports is the toy department of human life." Do you agree?
(10) John Wooden said: "Sports do not build character. They reveal it." Do you agree?
1 Swiming Misha, you need to write more and in complete sentences.
My favourite sport is swimming.
2 I prefer watching sport home on a TV
sports at home .
3 no I would not
N , .
4 at school. I think 1 h is fine
A , hour .
5 maybe. Mane people like it
M y .
6 ammmmmm I don’t remember
I think it's football and hockey.
7 yes I do like them
Y , .
8 I didn’t questin may self about it
haven't thought . So, you should think now and answer!
9 maybe yes maybe no I don’t know
M it is or not. .
10 yes maybe
Y , they do.
(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘body’?
(2) Do you like your body?
(3) What are the most useful parts of our body?
(4) Are you proud of your body or ashamed of it?
(5) What kind of body language do you use?
(6) How would you describe the human body to an alien?
(7) Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?
(8) Would you sell your body to science?
(9) How good is our body?
(10) Hermann M. Biggs said: "The human body is the only machine for which there are no spare parts." Is this true? Should there be lots of spare parts?
1 I think of a person.
2 no I don’t
N , .
3 I don’t know .
4 I alradiy ancerd this question
already answered .
5 Wat means body language
What does mean?
6 People have a had lags arms and they ar toller then you
head, legs, , are taller than
7 I think I would chuse super intelligent
choose .
8 no
No, I wouldn't.
9 it is good
I .
10 way ar you asking so much questions ar you a alien?
Why are many are
1 A women is walking with her dog
a .
2 In parks and streets
I see them .
3 Give five
Dogs can .
4 mor yes then no
I am more than .
5 yes I have a dog
Y , .
6 that you need to spande many time with a dog
I don't like spend a lot of .
7 I think yes
that yes I have.
8 maybe korge
I think I like Korges.
9 maybe bul_ dogs
I think bull .
10 pip
I think that P is a good name.

Have you ever had a dog or cat for a pet?
Which do you like best, dogs or cats?
What are some good names for dogs or cats?
Why would you keep a dog instead of a cat?
What can cats do that dogs can't?
Can you think of some reason why people don't keep dogs or cats?
What is a breed?
How many breeds of dogs can you name?
How many breeds of cats can you name?
What does AKC stand for?
What is a standard?
Which dog breed do you think is the most intelligent and which the dumbest?
What is the role of an Alpha Dog in a pack?
How do you build a dog house?
Can you name some countries that eat dogs or cats?
Misha, Your writing is getting better all the time.
1 Yes, I hade a dog and a cat
have had .
2 I like dogs
more. the best.
3 I don’t now it is a chois for the owner
know; up to the owner.
4 I don’t know it is a hard question
for me.
5 klaighm trees
Cat can climb .
6 Because for some people it is hard
because have problems with their health,
or they are afraid of dogs. Perhaps they don't have time to care for a dog.
7 It is a tipe of a dog
8 I kant
can't name any.
Labrador, Yorkshire terrier, ...
9 I don't know any.
10 I don’t know wat is AKC
It stands for American Kennel Club.
Good Mish is writing complete sentences most of the
time. Please work on capital letters and full stops.
(1) Do you like dogs?
(2) Are dogs really "a man’s best friend"?
(3) What kinds of dogs do you like and dislike?
(4) Do you think dogs are the best pets?
(5) Do you think dogs have a good life?
(6) Are you ever afraid of dogs?
(7) What do you think of dogs that bark non-stop?
(8) Do you think people spend too much money on dogs?
(9) In what ways are dogs helpful to humans?
(10) Are there many abandoned dogs in your town?
1 Yes I do like dogs
, .
2 for me yes, but not for all
F .
3 I didn’t think about it
haven't thought .
4 it is hard for me to answer but yes maybe
I , .
5 maybe not the bast but I think they have a good live
M e , f .
6 no I’m not
N , .
7 if it is a neighbors dog then bad
I neighbor's I think badly of it.
8 no I don’t think so
N , .
9 they can help people that cant see
T can't .
10 you mean homles. Then no
Do homeless? , .
(1)Do you like chocolate?
(2)Which country do you think makes the most delicious chocolate?
(3)Do you like getting chocolate as a present?
(4)Do you know how chocolate is made?
(5)How much chocolate should children eat?
(6)Is chocolate part of any celebrations in your country?
(7)Do you think chocolate is healthy?
(8)Who do you think are the world’s biggest chocolate eaters?
(9)Why is chocolate so often associated with romance?
(10)What would the world be like without chocolate?
1 yes I do
Y , .
2 I don’t know
3 yes I do
Y , .
4 no I don’t know
N , .
5 many
They should eat much chocolate.
6 we have alenka chocolate
W A .
7 no I think it’s not halthe
N , healthy.
8 people
The in Swizterland.
9 I don’t now maybe they eat to mutch
too much.
10 it is impossible
I .
1)Can you explain the difference between a diet, diet and to diet?
(2)Tell me about your regular diet.
(3)Have you ever been on a diet?
(4)Do you think people who go on diets get the proper nutrition their body needs?
(5)Do you know anyone with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa?
(6)Do you think the fashion and advertising industries are responsible for encouraging women to be super skinny?
(7)Are you happy with your weight and body shape?
(8)How important is exercising as part of a diet?
(9)Do people in your country eat a well-balanced diet?
(10)How often do you weigh yourself?
1) Do you like exercise?
(2) Who do you know who exercises a lot?
(3) What are the bad things about exercise?
(4) Which exercise would you prefer: jogging, swimming or cycling?
(5) Is not exercising a crime against your body?
(6) Do you think the government should do more to ensure everyone exercises?
(7) How can you adapt the everyday things you do to increase your level of exercise?
(8) Do you think exercising makes your brain work better?
(9) What do you think of the idea of having higher hospital charges for those who don’t exercise?
(10) If exercise makes you live a lot longer, why do so many people not bother to do it?
1 I don’t understand Good Misha. Try to focus more on spelling and making sure you know what words mean: use a dictionary or translator.
2 Now I don’t have a diet
am not on
3 yes I have
Y , .
4 sometimes yes
S , they do.
5 wat is sis
What are these? (please use a dictionary to look up anything you don't know)
6 wat is encouraging
What does mean? (Please look it up.)
7 no I’m not
N , .
8 I think it is ware important
very .
9 yes I think so , but not all
Y , do.
10 sometimes
S I do.
Good Misha, but I want more complete sentences.
1 yes I do.
Y ,
2 My friend .
exercises a lot.
3 you can hurt your self, or have an injure.
Y yourself injury.
4 swimming .
I prefer
5 maybe, I don’t know .
6 ????? (Should it be required?)
7 I cant
can't change my everyday life to have more exercise.
8 I don’t know, but it could
9 I think it is a bad idea.
Good! Why?
10 It is a hard question, every person can have their own problem
s. reasons.
Misha please express your opinion
about every question and look up the
spelling of words you are not sure of.
1)What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘television’?
I see a TV
(2)What are the good things and bad things about television?
I didn’t think about it
haven't thought .
(3)What would life be like without television?
I didn’t think about it
haven't thought .
(4)How much television do you watch every day?
I do not now the iksect_____ __ time
know exact amount of
(5)Are you happy with the programmes on TV?
N , I am not.
(6)Does television kill conversation in your family?
no it dasent
N , doesn't.
(7)Does violence on television make young people more violent?
no I do not think so
N , .
(8)How will television change over the next few decades?
I do not now
(9)Someone said: "If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all." Do you think this is true
Just express an opinion.
(10)Someone once said: "I wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence." Do you think so too?
wat do you men
What mean?
That means that most people think that what is on TV is not very smart.
1 A little bit Good effort , remember complete sentences
They are important to me.
2 I do not know , maybe it coold change
could be different.
3 stores
I like like long novels .
4 wat is hardbacks ?
I prefer
5 maybe__________ about planes
M I would write .
6 I don’t know I never thot about it
thought .
7 Yes but not completely
, .
8 E-books you mean internet books?
By do
9 Children books
I would recommend "A Book For A Child".
10 I didn’t count but meny I think 50.
haven't counted I don't know, a ,
1 sometayms
S times I do.
2 not often
I do eat them .
3 scrambeld egg
It means to embarrass yourself.
4 yes I did
Y , have .
5 I don’t know
6 –
I cook fried eggs.
7 No
, I do not.
8 Maybe
they are.
9 nothing
I don't know anything about that.
10 wat is a custom
We decorate eggs for Pascha.
sore thet it is layt
Sorry that late. Thank you Misha:)
Good Misha!
Today I saw a beautiful sunset.
today my mom said that tomorrow we will go to grandma's hous.
T e.
Today is my birthday and I decided to gather____ all my friends.
, with
I ______learned this lesson badly.
didn't learn well.
Excellent writing Misha!
I recently returned from an amazing vacation to Hawaii.
It was my first time visiting the island state, and I was blown away by its beauty and culture.
he trip began with a long flight from the mainland.
Despite the length of the journey, I was excited to finally arrive in Hawaii.
As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was greeted with a warm and humid climate that was a welcome change from the cold winter weather back home.
10 Questions about Sandwiches
What did you think when you read the headline?
What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘sandwich’?
What do you think of the sandwich being 250 years old?
How much do you like sandwiches?
How important are sandwiches in your life?
What do you think of the history of how the sandwich got its name?
Do you think the Earl of Sandwich was really the person who invented the sandwich?
Is having the sandwich as part of a country’s culinary history something to be proud of?
Many British people eat sandwiches every day. Could you?
What do you think of the towns Ham and Sandwich being so close together?
1 wat headline Good, Misha. We will read this article together.
What ?
2 wat means springs
What does 'springs' mean?
3 it is a ware old sandwich, I wouldn’t tray it.
It very try
4 Depends on which one.
5 a litoll bit
They are little important.
6 I don’t know the history
7 I do not know. And Hoo is earl
who ?
8 maybe
M it is.
9 yes I think so .
Y ,
10 I don’t understand. It means: is it funny to have these two names near each other?
Good work Misha. Practice your spelling with Quizlet.
Is he steal talking on the phone.
still ?
the concert didn’t start so we war siting in the waiting room.
T hadn't started, were sitting
I lost my cat in the center of the city yesterday .
I looked out of the window and so same planes flaying Nir bay.
saw some flying nearby
I found my phone in the car.
They are steal drinking tee in the cafeteria.
still tea
they war the hole day in the hospital.
T were in the hospital the whole day. (all day).
Excellent work Misha!
She has breakfast at 8 o’clock.
He is going to school.
He is playing with his friends.
They had a picnic yesterday.
I went to the bus stop today.
I was looking at the time.
Great job Misha! Perfect spelling and capitalization!
Try for longer and more complex sentences.
We went to the zoo.
We drank a lemonade.
He told me his secret .
They made nice flowers.
My mom bought a robot.
What did you think when you read the headline? Girl, 5, fined for selling lemonade
I don't know what to think about this.
What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'lemonade'?
I think of water, sugar and lemons.
What do you think of a five-year-old selling lemonade?
It's not a big deal, I think.
Why do you think the girl's father let her sell lemonade?
It's good when a kid tries to learn about how to make money.
What do you think of the size of the fine? $195
I think that is stupid.
When should children start learning about business?
I think they should be at least 14 years old.
Why do you think the girl thought she did a bad thing?
The city official/authorities made her feel bad.
What would you say to the little girl?
I would say "Hi" and "Don't worry" "The city made a mistake".
What do you think of the little girl wanting to make people smile?
I think I can understand that. That's how little kids think.
What's the proudest you've been of yourself?
I think of two things. Recently, I made a video. Also, I earned some money from the stock market.
Good work Misha. Practice saying and writing
some of these very irregularly spelled words
in English.
If the weather would be fine, we will go to the park.
Because the homework was don_, he went outsaid.
done, outside.
Wen the later was rite, he called his friend .
When letter written,
because it was lait, they didn’t go outside.
B late
It was ware cold .
He asked 20 questions in 5 minutes.
He gave me 2 dollars for a_ ice crem.
an cream.
Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
Yes, because I like dogs.
What do you think of when you hear the word 'walking'?
I think of walking outside or maybe at the park.
What do you think about what you read?
I have a dog and I have have never fallen.
I don't have any problem.
What do you think of dogs as pets?
They are cute and little so they make the perfect pet.
Should old people be educated about walking the dog?
Maybe because so many have fallen.
How beneficial is it to walk a dog?
I think it is because it causes you to go outside and get some exercise.
Are dogs better for young people or old people?
They are good for all people/ people of all ages.
How dangerous are rabbits and hamsters as pets?
They are , of course, very dangerous.
What is the small person/big dog scenario?
You could have any dog that you want/ that you could afford.
What questions would you like to ask elderly dog owners?
Do you think you know how to handle emergencies while dog walking?
July 14, 2023
Good Misha! Remember to capitalize the first letter of your sentences. Check the spelling of a word if you are not sure about it.
He opened all of the windows .
I’m were happy that I tolled you _______ this store .
very told about
I was waiting here ware long time on the station .
I've been a very at
We were shown a strange picture .
they are looking for you. go home . we were given tickets fore the party .
T G W for
the Gide met us at the station .
T guide
July 10, 2023
Good Misha! Please watch this video to review prepositions of time like "on the fourth of June ..." Good spelling today!
__ ____ Fo_rth of June, we derived to the city .
On the u drove
On this month we will meet _____our friends .
omit T with
I love going in the park in the autumn.
Last winter, he often walked to the ice rink on Saturdays .
On the last week, we went to the Russian museum .
omit L
On the last summer, we derived to the east .
omit L drove
In the summer, the sun goes up early and goes down late .
I think that we will go to sleep at midnight.
At this week we would have a journey to ___USA .
omit T will make the
The plane would arrive at 7:00 am.
July 7, 2023
How lovely Misha! It's like a haiku. Please watch spelling and capitalization.
Spring has comed. In the park, and in the forest _______ __ noise. ____ Jackdaws and ___ crows are
come there is The j the
screaming. ____ starlings have built a nest in the hollow of a birch tree. they worked all day.
The T
_____ birds carried different materials to the nest. In the evening, _____ beards ware
The the birds were
singing on the trees.
July 3, 2023
Good job Misha. We'll discuss it and then read and write some more.
_______ Kids found in the garden a little kitten. The kitten claimed up the tree and could not go
Some kids found a little kitten in the garden. climbed get
down. ____Kids brought a ladder and helped the kitten climbing down. After the kids (had)
The to climb had
brought the kitten to their house , they gave him (a) milk, and fed him a cutlet. Now the kitten’s
it some it
name is Keshey. He will live in a house. In the autumn, Kesha will be taken to the city. Soon
It Keshey
he will get used to a city apartment.