July 23, 2019
Lesson 19/55 60min
Hello Misha,
This lesson we'll go over homework: the screenshot
Then, we'll work on Quizlet for a few minutes
And we'll try again to read on pdf 23 in the class book
The Surprise Party!

2. he was, he went
3. didn't read
4. Have you met
5. 've been
6. havan't known
7. Have you been
Were you
8. yes i did
did not knou
has been
July 18, 2019
Lesson 18/55 60min
Hello Misha,
This lesson we'll go over homework page 16 workbook, parts 2, 3
Then, we'll work on Quizlet for a few minutes
And we'll try again to read on pdf 23 in the class book
The Surprise Party!
July 17, 2019
Lesson 17/55 60min
Hello Misha,
This lesson we'll go over homework page 21 workbook, parts 2, 3
Then, we'll work on Quizlet for a few minutes
And we'll continue in the class book on pdf 23
The Surprise Party!
July 16, 2019
Lesson 16/55 60min
Hello Misha,
This lesson we'll go over your homework page 17 workbook
Then, we'll work on Quizlet for a few minutes
And we'll continue in the class book on pdf 23
The Surprise Party!
July 11, 2019
Lesson 15/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Because of your headache yesterday, I read and we discussed a news article. Today we'll do our last lesson:
Homework was to review vocabulary with Quizlet:
Then, pdf 21 with a Reading: The Crown Diamond
we can work on page 16 in workbook together.
July 10, 2019
Lesson 14/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework was to review vocabulary with Quizlet:
Then, we'll continue in Unit 2, pdf 21 with a Reading:
The Crown Diamond
we can work on page 16 in workbook together.
July 9, 2019
Lesson 13/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Homework was page 15 workbook.
We'll review vocabulary with Quizlet:
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/284187402/family-and-friends-5-unit-2-flash-cards/
Then, we'll continue in Unit 2, pdf 20 Past Simple vs Present Perfect
We can use Starfall to make an avatar and try on costumes.
July 4, 2019
Lesson 12/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Today we'll go over your Homework: page 14 workbook.
We'll review vocabulary with Quizlet:
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/284187402/family-and-friends-5-unit-2-flash-cards/
Then, we'll continue in Unit 2, pdf 19 Past Simple vs Present Perfect
July 3, 2019
Lesson 11/55 60min
Hi Misha,
This time we'll review Quizlet which was your homework.
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/284187402/family-and-friends-5-unit-2-flash-cards/
Then, we'll begin Unit 2, It's Showtime!
July 2, 2019
Lesson 10/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Today let's look again at the test for Unit 1 Quizlet:
And, you can tell me about your trip to Norway!
June 13, 2019
Lesson 9/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Today Homework was parts 1 and 2 of page 8.
Then we'll finish the unit with a Reading on pdf 15:
Our Kite and then the Review both in the class book.
Finally, you can take the test for Unit 1 Quizlet:
June 11, 2019
Lesson 8/55 60min
Hi Misha,
Today Homework was page 7
Then we'll do the Reading: My tree house pdf 13 class book.